10 million+ questions answered by Doctors & Team of Experts : Get your doubts clarified privately & securely
I have sleeping disorder and migraine problem, Kin...
Healthy sleep habits You can take steps to improve your sleep habits. First, make sure that you giv...
i find myself very week every morning when i wake...
It seems you are lacking sufficient Vitamins and minerals in your body . Please start taking leafy v...
sometimes my headache becomes very unbearable ,spe...
you need proper rest and peace of mind . Please start meditation and yoga for sometime,. Consult you...
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OPIDO is one of the most trusted and reliable health care service provider, which brings all medical related services under one Umbrella .At OPIDO one can get in touch with the top-most expert and Specialist Doctors for an accurate & authentic consultation.It also brings pharmacy and Pathlogy services at door step .At OPIDO one can Connect with Doctors,Pharmacy, Pathology Labs,Hospitals who are available 24/7 right for you.