Opido | Honey Details



price :199

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About Product :

Natural Honey available at OPIDO is extraction of honey by fully natural process which is sweet, syrupy, and testy for all ages . Through pasteurization and few other natural process we try to bring purest form of Honey available to one and all . The pasteurization process improves the honey’s appearance, increases its shelf-life, and kills yeast cells that can affect the taste of the honey.

Natural Honey really improves our health and Mental stamina .

  • bee pollen, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • bee propolis, a glue-like substance that helps keep the hive together
  • certain Vitamins and minerals
  • enzymes
  • amino acids
  • antioxidants


Product Details

Product Description

100 % pure and Naturally extracted directly from farm.